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Showing posts with the label wet mix macadam plant

Components of Atlas WMM plants | Atlas Industries

WMM plants are an important part of any fleet of equipment for a contractor who undertakes road construction jobs. Also known as soil stabilization plans, these are used to produce materials that help in the stabilization of the soil prior to laying of hot mix asphalt. In most cases, aggregates, sand is mixed with water along with some percentage of cement. The percentage of cement is usually 3-5% and may vary. Though in a small percentage, cement will act as a binding material in the mixture. Then this mixed material is laid to give proper strength to the floor. Related: Our blog on advantages of Atlas wet mix plants [Info graphic] The wet mix plant in India is sold with aggregate feeders, a primary vibrating screen, a charging conveyor with a load cell for weighing the aggregates, a pug mill mixer, load-out conveyor, and storage silos. A cement silo is also available with the plant for the addition of cement directly into the mixing unit. COMPONENTS OF WMM PLANT Atlas make WMM plan...

Tired of your unproductive wet mix plant?

Bought a WMM plant that promised productivity at lower costs? Instead, ended up maintaining the Wet Mix Plant frequently? We have seen contractors having to waste a lot of valuable time maintaining the plant while leaving aside the job of road construction aside. Well, no one will like to be in such a situation. Will you? This situation can get worse when you know that your 200 tph wet mix plant. It is not producing more than 170-180 tph while the competitor’s plant is. The gears fail frequently and the mixer breaks down frequently and requires maintenance. You got this plant after visiting the manufacturer and believed what he said. The presentation and price given were tempting. This equipment was supposed to give you tension-free performance whereas it is giving you headaches.  Here we are talking about situations assuming you have a skilled operator for the wet mix macadam plant who knows the operation and maintenance of the machine. There may be many reasons for the breakdown...

Best Maintenance Free Soil Stabilization Plant For Road Projects

Material that can improve the strength of base layers is produced by a soil stabilization plant – this is done before the laying of asphalt is done. The stability or load bearing power of the soil is increased by the use of this technology. This is very important as far as road projects are concerned because this process makes a very strong base for the road and helps in improving road quality. There are soil stabilization plants available in the market today which will help to achieve the desiredquality of the material to be laid. Controlled compaction after the laying helps in achieving desired results. In India, usually the mix material consists of virgin aggregates and water. But our machines which have been exported are with cement addition facility for in the mix design. Even small amount of cement will give the necessary strength required for the mix. The basics of this method will be to test the soil properties where construction has to take place. If the soil is lacking in ad...

160 Tph Wet Mix Macadam Plant For Myanmar | Atlas Industries

Atlas has dispatched its 160 tph wet mix macadam plant for Myanmar. This is our second soil stabilization plant. The plant is equipped with components and wiring complete in all aspects. This will allow us to produce in quick time. The machine selected is a stationary type. Wet mix macadam plants usually mix different sizes of aggregates along with cement and water. This addition is done in the pug mill type mixing unit. Each material is weighed separately before it gets into the mixing zone. The percentage of cement added in the wet mix macadam plant is usually 3-5%. Wet Mix Plant Export Myanmar : WMM Plant capacity is rated at 160 TPH. There are some factors that will affect the same. The aggregate mean density should be 1.6 ton/m3. If soil is sticky then the production will drop by at least 20%. The reason is that as the soil gets sticky they render more load on the mixing blades. The mixing blades then give more load on the gear and motor. Hence to avoid excessive wear and tear or...